אורי: 052-3952857
**Updated: 3/13/2024**
**Privacy Policy - Mobicar App**
Mobicar App Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") has a vision to digitize roadside assistanceservices for drivers.
The Mobicar app aggregates all roadside assistance service providers who wish to receiveservice requests through the app, respond to those requests, and get paid for them.This privacy policy will provide information on the privacy policy applicable to the " Mobicar" app.
Among other things, it reviews how Mobicar App Ltd. uses the information provided to it byapp and website users.
1) **General** - It is emphasized that all language in this privacy policy is in the masculineform, referring equally to women and men without limitation.
2) **App Registration** - When registering for the app, the service provider is required toprovide personal details such as full name, ID number (encrypted), mobile phone number,email address or bank account details, vehicle details (license plate encrypted), service typesand their prices. Mandatory fields will be explicitly marked. Without providing the requesteddata in the mandatory fields, you will not be able to register for services that requireregistration.
3) **Data Repository and Use of Personal Information** - "Personal information" is a set ofdata that by itself or together can serve to identify a person, including first and last name, IDnumber, company number, profile picture, email address, and any other personal detail youprovide to the company and/or the company collects about you when using services throughthe app and/or website or in any other way.
> Personal information will include, among other things, the IP Address (or Mac address, asapplicable) that the user automatically provides according to the network or device they areusing.
> The personal information you provided to the company (except for data related to thepayment processing process, as detailed in the Terms of Use) will be stored in the company'ssecure data repository with limited access. Information about specific uses you performedthrough the app and website, including but not limited to trips you made, origin anddestination, payment details, vehicle data, will also be collected through the app andwebsite and considered part of the "personal information" as stated above.
4) **Purposes of Collection and Use of Information** - The company will use the personalinformation you provided and/or the statistical information collected by it and/or by thirdparties, for the purpose of providing services, and for modifying and improving the contentand services in the app and/or on the website so that they match the nature of the appusers, including your actual preferences, as reflected in the analysis of the statisticalinformation collected by the company regarding the usage habits of users on the app and/or website.
The company will also use the personal information you provided to obtain generalinformation about the geographic location from which the user connects to the app and/orwebsite in order to provide the services and for information security purposes, includingidentifying and preventing unauthorized use of our app and website by someone whoappears not to be the regular user of the mobile device and is therefore suspected of notbeing authorized to use the services. The company will also use the personal informationyou provided, among other things, to provide technical support services and forauthentication purposes when providing support services via email and/or text messagesaccording to the details you provided at registration regarding your use of the websiteand/or app, and/or to occasionally send you newsletters and/or messages, includingupdates on various promotions in the app, new services or products offered, discountvouchers, notices and/or advertisements that we think you may find interesting("Advertising Material").
> By checking the appropriate box, as well as by continuing to use the app and/or accountand agreeing to the terms of this policy, you consent to receiving advertising material inaccordance with the provisions of Section 30a of the Communications Law(Telecommunications and Broadcasting), 1982. Note that, subject to the provisions of thelaw, you may choose at any time to stop receiving advertising messages by removing yourdetails from the app and/or website mailing list by sending a removal request from themailing list via email to the app or website at the address [email address redacted].>> The company will use the statistical information collected and stored by it for its internal,marketing or commercial purposes, including to ensure the operation of the app, websiteand their development, to improve the structure of the app, website and services providedthrough them, and more. For this purpose, the company may use third parties to collect andanalyze statistical and anonymous information in order to learn about your usage habits andpatterns of behavior on the app and/or website.>> The company will use the information you provided or the information collected by it forany other purpose related to the provision of services, including any purpose detailed in thispolicy and/or in other sections of the Terms of Use.5) **Disclosure to Third Parties** - The company will not transfer personal information tothird parties except in one of the following cases:- If the company requested your permission, and you gave your express consent;- If the disclosure of personal information is to the company's agents and/or those acting onits behalf, and is to the extent necessary and essential for the provision of services andoperation of the app and/or website;- To identify, prevent or address security or technical issues, as well as in situations wherethe app is used by someone who appears not to be authorized to use the services, in orderto prevent fraud and impersonation;- In order to comply with any law, including in response to legal proceedings, a disclosureorder or request from a court or any competent authority or other authority instructing thecompany to disclose your details or personal information to the court or authority or otherparty;
- In the event of a legal dispute between you and the company that requires disclosure ofyour details;- If you perform actions on the app and/or through it and/or through the website that thecompany believes are contrary to the law or the agreement;- If the company sells the app and/or website activity and/or transfers the app and/orwebsite, in whole or in part, to any third party, for consideration or not, whether by way ofassignment of rights or by way of granting a license or sub-license - and in the case wherethe company merges with another body or merges the activity of the app and/or websitewith the activity of a third party, provided that this third party is obligated to comply withthe Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy.> The company may transfer statistical information, for consideration or not, to third partieswith whom it has business or other relationships, including companies engaged in analyzingsuch anonymous statistical information for the purpose of improving the services offered onthe app and/or website, or for other purposes, at the sole discretion of the company.>> The company makes efforts to engage with third parties that publish a privacy policy thataddresses the collection, processing and use of personal and statistical information. Thesethird parties include, among others, the PayMe company engaged in payment processingtechnologies, whose terms of use can be found at:https://ng.paymeservice.com/misc/privacy/payme_terms_conditions_2015_02_04.pdf>> PayMe is a comprehensive platform for all types of payments through a technologicalinterface. In any case, the company does not supervise these third parties. Please read theTerms of Use and Privacy Policies of the third parties to understand their privacy practices.
6) **Use of Cookies** - When using the website and/or app, the company or third partiesmay use industry-standard technology known as "cookies" and Flash (or similartechnologies), which store certain information on the user's mobile device or computer,allowing the company to automatically enable certain features and enhance the user'sexperience with the company's services. Cookies will help the company enable an automaticlogin process to the website and/or app.Most internet browsers allow users to delete cookies from the user's device, block receipt ofcookies or receive alerts before cookies are stored. However, please note that if the userdeletes cookies, does not allow their storage, or changes the Flash settings, the onlineexperience through the website will be limited.
7) **Third Party Services and Advertisements** - Certain links included on the website allowusers to access sites or services unrelated to the company. These links are offered for yourconvenience only. These sites and services are not under the control of the company, thecompany does not endorse them, is not responsible for any content (includingadvertisements, products and other information) appearing on them or accessible throughthem (including links included in them), and is not responsible for the privacy policies orother practices displayed or employed by these third parties. Your entry, use and reliance onsaid sites, services or content and any interaction between you and these third parties is atyour own risk and you are solely responsible for any related expenses. The companyreserves the right to cancel or delete any link at any time. You agree and acknowledge thatthe company shall not be responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused in
connection with or as a result of the use of any service, content, product or otherinformation available through these sites or services.
8) **Statistical Data Collection** - Unlike personal information, "statistical information" isinformation containing various data that does not identify you and cannot lead to thedisclosure of the data source. Statistical information includes anonymous, technicalinformation as well as information collected about user behavior, and may include, amongother things, the user's activity on the app, the operating system and browser type of theuser, type of mobile device and mobile device version, device language, click stream,intensity, shape and pattern of clicks. The statistical information collected by us and by thirdparties may contain information about your usage habits and patterns of behavior on theapp and/or website, the services you requested, the geographic location of the mobiledevice (via Geo-Location technology) from which you connected to the app, and more. Thestatistical information collected by the app and website and in some cases by third parties isstored separately from your personal information and its use is different from how thecompany uses personal information, as detailed below.For the avoidance of doubt, any statistical information related to or linked to personalinformation will be considered personal information, as long as this link exists.9) **Information Security** - Mobicar App implements information security systems andprocedures in the app and website. While these systems and procedures mitigate the risksof unauthorized access to Mobicar App's computers, there is no absolute certainty.Therefore, the company does not guarantee that the aforementioned services will beabsolutely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored on them.
10) **Right to Access Information** - According to the Privacy Protection Law, 1981, anyperson is entitled to access, himself or through a written authorized representative orguardian, the information about him held in a data repository. A person who accessed theinformation about him and found it to be inaccurate, incomplete, unclear or outdated mayrequest the data repository owner to correct or delete the information. If the datarepository owner refuses to comply with this request, he must notify the applicant in themanner and way prescribed by the regulations. The applicant may appeal the datarepository owner's refusal to allow access and refusal to correct or delete information to theMagistrate's Court in the manner and way prescribed by the regulations.
11) **Changes to Privacy Policy** - Mobicar App reserves the right to change the provisionsof the privacy policy from time to time. If material changes are made to this policy regardingthe use of the personal information you provided, a notice will be posted on the company'shomepage.
12) **Push Notifications** - The company implements a push notification service ("PushNotifications") in the app that allows sending notifications and sounds when they are notcurrently running, through the servers of the device on which the iOS or Android app isinstalled, as applicable. As part of using the app, Push Notifications will be sent from time totime to your mobile device (on which the app is installed and where you requested toreceive the services), through which you can stay updated about additional products andservices that the company believes you may find interesting, as well as receive additionalinformation about the company and the app. Push Notifications will be sent at times andfrequencies determined by the company. You declare that you are aware that PushNotifications may include messages that may be considered "advertising material" as
defined in Section 30a of the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting),2008, and you are entitled to cancel or update the ability to receive Push Notifications, all orsome of them, at any time, by changing the app settings on your mobile device.
13) **Intellectual Property** - All intellectual property related to the website and app is theintellectual property of the company, including trademarks and copyrights, and all contentpublished on the website or app is the intellectual property of the company or third partieson its behalf.